Balancing Life and Medicine

Transforming Careers Through Faith: Financial Stability, Authenticity, and Balanced Living with Nathan Williams

Dr. DeWayne Baugus Season 1 Episode 1

Can a heartfelt prayer change the trajectory of your career and life? Nathan Williams, CEO of Pryme Capital, believes it can. Join us as Nathan shares his incredible journey from the car business to becoming a financial coach, leveraging his background to help others achieve financial stability and success. You'll hear how a pivotal moment and his wife's insights guided him to a fulfilling career that balances professional achievement, family time, and community service.

Discover the essence of authenticity in business as Nathan recounts stories of genuine client relationships and community engagement. Hear about a veteran's quest for life insurance and how honest interactions build trust and long-term connections. Nathan's approach is refreshing in a world often focused on monetary gain; he underscores the importance of heartfelt interactions and the pitfalls of sales desperation. This episode is rich with lessons on maintaining integrity and sincerity while achieving success.

We also touch on the interconnectedness of financial, physical, and spiritual well-being. Nathan offers practical tips for financial recovery, underscoring the value of setting realistic goals and disciplined habits. Learn how humility, perseverance, and positive influences can help you overcome challenges and move forward. Finally, Nathan shares strategies for integrating health and wellness into your professional life, creating a balanced and fulfilling existence. Tune in for a comprehensive guide to blending personal and professional growth in a meaningful way.

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Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Thank you for joining us today. We're going to be speaking with Nathan Williams. He works for Capital. That's his company. He's the CEO we're going to be going into who is Nathan, his professional life, his growth, his career, his challenges, how he's balancing both family and business, and how he navigates the community and helping others grow as well as having fulfillment in his own life and maintaining that balance as an entrepreneur, as a business owner. I hope you stick with us as we go through a conversation with him just navigating his life, and hopefully it'll give you some help and some insights into what we can do to better ourselves. I know I'm going to get a lot out of it. I hope you do as well, so please stay with us.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Welcome to Balancing Life in Medicine. I'm Dr DeWayne Baugus. This is my new guest, Nathan Williams, with Capital. We're going to be discussing some ways that we balance life, that we navigate being entrepreneurs, business owners, some of the challenges that we face, both personal and professional, and we all have a unique story and that's what we want to capitalize on. Speaking of Capital, Nathan, tell me what is it you do? What do you do for the community?

Nathan Williams:

So capital is a financial education agency.

Nathan Williams:

So what we do is we educate people on finances, on how to start building retirements using financial principles that we all probably should learn back when we were in high school, back when we were in high school.

Nathan Williams:

What we find out is a lot of people go through life without ever getting this kind of information. Once we get out of school, we want to know some specific things like how to stay married, how to raise kids or how finances work, and that's what we kind of go over to teach you from the basics to time value money on saving money, money on how compound interest works and just things like that. And getting also just protection for your family overall. So that way, if anything ever happens, you've got a nice nest egg here to make sure that you keep all your bills afloat and all your business afloat if you're an entrepreneur as well too, because we know these catastrophic events like cancer, heart attack, stroke can be debilitating for anybody, for everybody within your family, not only just yourself, your wife, your kids, your mother, all the people that care about you or take care of you. It can debilitate everybody. So that's what we do.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

In short, you're getting in a lot of people's, so you're getting personal with individuals. You're having to dig deep into some of their strengths, some of their weaknesses, but also you have to come at an angle that's very personal, it's very real. Otherwise they're not going to share all their secrets, maybe where their money's leaking out here or there. So you really need to get them to be honest with you and that probably means sharing some of you. Yeah.

Nathan Williams:

You always want to make sure. I always make sure that I share pieces of me as well too, and when I sit down, I don't consider my clients just to be clients. I still talk to them. This day, you know, to this day, I go periodically and just have lunch with them just to have a good time A couple of them. I try to stay healthy. I work out with them as well too, like we'll go to the gym and work out regularly as well too.

Nathan Williams:

So it's not all about just you know. It's about building that relationship, yes, but also, you know, I want to be able to help you for life with these, with what I do as a business, and also be your friend. So when I'm coming in, I understand where you're coming from. I understand what you need to be able to protect your family or what your goals are to in the future, to be able to help you the most that I can. So that's what it's all about, and I mean, it almost doesn't feel like a job when I do it that way, because all I'm doing is I'm making friends, and then I'm also doing my business as well, too, with you, though. But these are all friends. I check on them and everything. They'll check on me if something's going on with me as well too. I mean, it's really cool.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

That's nice, and your wife, your wife's, involved.

Nathan Williams:

She is involved. She's involved. She does handle a lot of the promotions and stuff like that, promoting as far as what we do for people. She's got some friends and stuff that she's invited to some of the classes that we do to help teach and stuff like that. So she's pretty involved as well too, and very supportive of the business as well.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

So you're not just sitting back waiting for people, you're in the community. You just mentioned teaching classes. Now, I've known you for a little bit, so I get to see your face on social media and different areas when you're offering classes. When you're offering those classes, is there a certain area that you're targeting? Is there certain age groups? Is there certain young families, old families? What are you finding? When people are coming to you looking for help, what you offer, what do they usually look like?

Nathan Williams:

So specifically it's really just what we're looking for is anybody who wants to take advantage of what we have to offer, so anybody that does need that kind of information and stuff. I might sit down and talk to Joe Lowe over here. That's been in his job for 10 years and everything and pretty much has his finances all set, or it feels like he does. But his brother you know he's like man. My brother needs some help, and those are the kind of people that we want to help is those people that don't know or they may need some help just getting started or getting back on track or anything like that.

Nathan Williams:

A lot of older people as well, too, once you start getting into different things. They've left their job, they've got old 401Ks sitting here. We know the market's been kind of crazy and stuff. What do I do with this money that I've been taking care of or I've been saving for my whole entire life? We want to set up something for the grandkids or be able to give this money that I've saved to the grandkids but continue to have it grow those type of situations. So it just depends on the particular situation.

Nathan Williams:

And when we go back and look at you know, like I said, the younger folks. They're a little bit more educated on certain things, like the apps that you have now to be in the stock market and all that stuff. Well, we introduced some other concepts in there to be able to help you save money as well too. Or you have the older folks that's been stuck on this 401k pinches are gone, now what do I do? And we introduce other concepts for them as well too. So there's a huge gap in far as who our target audience is specifically, but it's mostly just people that want to know more.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

So you're helping multiple generations, but before. I really like that, because you're not just affecting one family, you're affecting a community and future generations, as well as helping support generations that maybe feel like it's past their time. But there's another story in there. How did you get into this? What drove you? Because it couldn't have been. It's not just money, because you love people too, right. You like seeing people succeed, right. What got you into? What created ?

Nathan Williams:

Capital. So I used to work in the car business for a long time. I got out of that because of what the amount of work and hours I had to put into it and I wanted to be closer to my family. I was coming home late, at 11 o'clock at night, noticing that I wasn't going to be able to be there for my family.

Nathan Williams:

Um ran into a beautiful lady, knew that I wanted to marry her, wanted to have kids and I was like I want to be around to hang out with all of them. So, coincidentally, I did pray to get the heck out of that place and they were answered by the dealership going under.

Nathan Williams:

That's a big prayer answer, okay, so lesson learned make sure that you're very specific about your prayers and how you want them to happen, because they'll happen, but they might not all happen the way that you want them to if you just blatantly throw it out there. So in doing that, I got into, I wanted to, I sat down and I thought about what I really wanted to do next and I was like I asked my wife and I was just like what do I like to do? And she was like well, because I kind of lost myself in the business that I was in and everything. I was like well, because I kind of lost myself in the business that I was in and everything. I was like what do I get excited about? And she was like you get excited about working out and always, whenever you're able to help, like coach people or anything like that, you always get excited about how a guy came and asked you something and you were able to guide them in the right direction and stuff. I was like, ah, fitness coach, that's what I could do. Cool.

Nathan Williams:

So I got into that, started doing that business as well too, and then realized that this is kind of I may not like it as much as I thought I would. And so I thought about what else can I do to help people? Well, whenever I was in the car business, I was a finance manager. So a comment about me was how tight I was about my money and how on point I was about all my finances all the time around a dealership. That was kind of what they pinned me as, like you, you always are, you're not going to make a bad financial decision, nate, that's not what you do.

Nathan Williams:

And so I was like, well, I could go ahead and help people with that. And I was like, well, I could start getting into that kind of business. I started looking up things and different concepts on how to get things started for retirement and everything like that, just different stuff. And, coincidentally, I ran into a guy and he was like, you know, I can help you get a business started and everything. And that's kind of how Prime Capital was born. That way, Capital World was born. That way I started learning the presentation and different concepts and everything and being able to start doing classes and stuff down the road as well. Later on, after I learned how to go ahead and relate to certain crowds and everything like that, then I learned my presentation and setting that up, and then that's how I just got it started and started talking to people.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Wow. So you found the big primes in your life, things that you were primed to do, which was spend more time with the family, help in a financial type setting, and also the physical part of it, because you know personal training or helping people. Because you touched on all three big ones and the biggest one was the prayer.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

first, right, right, so I don't pray to shut down a dealership, but um, pray for change right whenever, whenever you're looking for it, but also having the the strength to step into it with that wisdom from your partner, your wife, wife. So, in other words, the main thing is how do I find more time with my family but capitalize on all the things I'm really good at and that I'm really fiery about? So those are the big areas that I'm looking for for individuals is finding that well-rounded approach, because it doesn't just happen.

Nathan Williams:

You have to look Yep, that's what I was about to say. A lot of people will write things off because they're like, oh, that because it doesn't just happen. You have to look. Yep, that's what I was about to say. A lot of people will write things off because they're like, oh, that's not possible and everything. Well, you've got to look for this kind of stuff. If you're not looking, you're going to miss it. Opportunities and everything like that. If you're not looking for it or you're not paying attention, you're going to miss out on this stuff.

Nathan Williams:

And you know, there's certain things to say about being able to create your own path as well, too. So whenever I sat down, I really thought about it. I was like I want to make sure I spend more time with my family. I want to be able to create a good income for my family to survive and everything like that and a good lifestyle. But I also want to be able to help every person that I sit down and touch. I want to make sure I'm doing the best thing I can for them.

Nathan Williams:

And so I was like what can I do to accomplish that? You know, and all behold. I mean, you work at it, you look at it, you'll find a way, and I found a way to do that, and so now wife is definitely happy, kids are definitely happy. You know, we're living great lives, and every person that I touch is very happy with what they've got going on. And what we're doing is changing lives for generations to come as well, too. Not only that even if you're not a media client, just having knowledge, that's changing your perspective on how to approach finances and everything, and that makes a difference as well, too. It doesn't matter if you're a client or not, you know. Just having the knowledge and knowing what to do or there is different options out there and passing that down, that's what changes people and that's what changes families and stuff. So that's what I'm doing.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

That's amazing Because I know getting to meet you yeah, it's been, I have no idea Two, two, two and a half years Somewhere around there.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

I know that I had to reach out for help because I was looking for life insurance as a veteran and you were able to dig through and find really pertinent information that I needed to know about my situation for my family, what I could and couldn't do and how to navigate that world.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

But ultimately there was more to it because you were involved, you wanted to be involved and I think that that's something that's different with entrepreneurs and it also says something about your personality and your character, because when you said you had to look for what you wanted to do, I think many times people get lost in where's the money and they get blown all over the board from multiple different jobs that they may end up just not liking and I think that disconnects them from their community to where they're no longer helping their community but they're seeing what they can take from their community and that mindset I think is important as an entrepreneur, because money will come and go, but where your place is in your community, and that mindset I think is important as an entrepreneur, because money will come and go, but where your place is in your community, that's a solid foundation. You know you're needed. You know everybody needs help at some point and just being available for that, creating a business and getting your name out.

Nathan Williams:

Yeah, and like you said being available, being reachable If I text you said being available, being, you know, reachable If I text you. You know what I'm saying. Are you going to respond If I give you a call? Are you going to return my phone call?

Nathan Williams:

You know, with the concerns that I have concerning what you have to offer as a business, and I think it's just a mindset flip between, hey, how much money can I make and how many, how many people can I help? Right, so some mindset flip. So you know you said money comes and goes. The money will come if you, you know, help enough people. Always you've talked to enough people in sales or anything like that. You talked enough people, you help enough people, the money will come. So it's just really just a mindset flip but how many people can I, can I help, rather than how much money can I make? Because you get into, you know, if you're in sales or something like that, you get into how much money can I make? You're looking for the whales, you're headhunting for the big game all the time and everything like that Big highs and lows, exactly.

Nathan Williams:

And then you develop what we call car salesman breath, where you just ah, no, oh, I need to have the sale and people can feel that. People can feel how desperate you are for it, how people can feel that they're you're not, they're not of the upfront interest to you. You know, saying you're not, they're not the biggest concern, and everybody wants to feel that they are the biggest concern. Whenever they're purchasing anyone or they're being helped by a doctor or what you do, you know they want to feel like they're the criminal crop, you know. And so if you come across that way, they know that the sales pitch right.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

That awkward feeling when someone's talking to you but they're not really talking to you.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Right, right, and it's like I'm going to put you into this hypnotized zone where you're going to do what I want you to do, and I think we all in our heart feel that we know that and those individuals, I think, are the ones that are struggling out in the economy. They're the ones that give everyone a bad name as far as the honest entrepreneurs, the honest business owners. And you have to navigate that world because people are, they're tuned into that now because they're, they're defending their self, their money, their livelihood, and the only way you can really get past, I think that that sound of the sales pitch that has created a gray area between people and doing business in the community is is sharing you like, and it's it's the honest you that comes out.

Nathan Williams:

That's the only way that you can get about that I'm aware of is to make sure that you do share you and you want people to know you and everything, because that makes you more relatable. You're a real person to this point. You're not just some guy that walked in with a nice suit and everything like that and got shiny stuff on or whatever. You're a real person to them whenever you sit down, like, hey, I came from the same background that you did, I started here, or whatever, it just makes you more People can see themselves in you, so that makes them feel more comfortable about it, about working with you. There's been plenty of times that, you know, if you listen, read any kind of sales book or anything like that, people are like I bought from so-and-so because I like them.

Nathan Williams:

You know it's not always about the product. You know the only time it is really like that is when you got your engineer guy. That's been yes, what's the number counter, the the number counter thing? He's doing that all the time. Yeah, so it's just, uh, being as personal as possible and opening up to people is just. You know, it allows you to develop more as a person as well too, but it also brings down everybody's guard and they'll reveal more to you so you can help them more. So that's what it's all about.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

I like to call that heart language. When I'm meeting someone for the first time being in medicine, people come in and they're sharing some things, but they don't want to tell everything, and I know that that pertains to their finances as well. And the only way to get through that is that heart language of you. Know what I was struggling too. Let me tell you where I've been, you know, and when you start off with those not to overpower what they're looking for, but to relate, it does man, it lets guard down. I call it heart talk because when you start speaking from your heart, their heart automatically wants to respond. The fake stuff starts to go away and next thing you know they're going. I never tell anybody this stuff, like I don't even tell my wife this stuff, you know, and it's pretty cool because then you know they're being honest and you can really help them and you know you can help them and that connection is made instead of just a passive conversation. Well, your family, I got to meet your mom.

Nathan Williams:

Yeah, she's great. Your mom is awesome, she's great. Your mom is awesome, she is, she's great, she's awesome.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

She's got. Is it nutrition or diet? What does she do?

Nathan Williams:

So she also does health coaching as well. Okay, she's diving into nutrition, doing that as well. Basically, what you're putting in your body, you know, can determine the outcome of how your health is, and what you know should help people get pregnant while changing their diet got them off blood pressure medication, all these different things on how your gut and what you're eating and everything like that relates to your health and what's going on with you right now and how you can flip that all around just by. Hey, stop eating peanut butter sandwiches every day, you know.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Well, I ask because I know that that's where you've gotten a lot of your drive. I mean, you've gotten a lot of knowledge. The way that you do business isn't superficial, superficial, it's deep, yeah, and it's it's meaningful to you and you can go home every night and you can go. I didn't, I did the best I could, um, but I'm gonna have to keep working on it because there's more to this story. Yeah, uh, but overall, um, spiritually speaking, I mean because, like I said, we just discussed the physical part. Now you did personal training. Were you a personal?

Nathan Williams:


Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Mm-hmm, crazy, like so, a personal training car salesman, like you were jacked, like you were just coming at people like a monster, right, probably not, but not that way. But that intensity that I've seen in you, yeah, and I've seen you network, I've seen you speak, seen in you and I've seen you network, I've seen you speak All that makes you know from your mother, from your family, from your wife, that wisdom we have to take everything that we learn in life and find what works for us. But also there's guidelines, right, as we were kind of jokingly, you know, talking about before we started this. This program is sometimes we have to resist, right?

Nathan Williams:


Dr DeWayne Baugus:

We've got to hold back the horses because people aren't always ready for that full like that shotgun blast of. This is what I can do for you. So when you're meeting someone new and you see that they're overwhelmed, like with their finances I mean because you've got many gears you can help people understand how to guard their finances at a high level. But also you can help people start from square one when they're a mess Right, and we've all been a mess, We've all been a mess.

Nathan Williams:

So I'll go up in there, right?

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

So what, what? What helps you kind of humble yourself when you're standing in front of someone and you're like, wow, like they're, they're going to have to restart everything. Maybe they're in their thirties, maybe they're in their forties, maybe they're 20 years old. Is there some basics that you go back to? I mean, obviously you've got to breathe, relax and go. They're not ready for the whole bite right now.

Nathan Williams:

Right, right, when they come in, at that point in time we kind of just kind of develop a plan. So, even though they're in that situation, they still have goals in mind, they still have goals on what they're trying to reach and everything like that. And what you do and I find that helps the most is still coming up with a direction on how to get there. So we break it down back to steps. You know you go to basketball. You know, and you've been reigning threes for a while Well, you're off today. You know you need to go back to the block. Sir, let's start doing some layups. Ok, like you are missing every three pointer that you have shot this whole entire game, let's go back and do layups. Let's go back to the basics, because somewhere along the line with your finances or life or whatever, we got off track from the basics.

Nathan Williams:

So, let's bring everything real, everything back in. Let's take a look at where we want to be, okay, and now let's build a track on. We have our heading, so let's build a course on how to get there, but we're going to start back here, okay. So, hey, let's start with just saving. You know we don't have time, we don't have the means to go ahead and contribute to an account right now, but hey, can you start taking this amount of money out of your check every month to build that habit, okay, of saving? Now, that's all we need to do. Can you do $5?

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

a day.

Nathan Williams:

Stop drinking so many Starbucks, stop getting your Coke every two hours from the vending machine, stop doing that stuff. And hey, you've realized that you've got a lot more finances than you realize. A lot of people get real tired about money and everything, but if we look down and write out everything that we do, there's a lot of stuff that we spend on stuff, streaming stuff, you know eating out all the time. That's a big one. People don't realize how much they spend on. Hey, let me go to Chick-fil-A, let me go to McDonald's, let me go to Panda Express. How much you're spending on just that stuff.

Nathan Williams:

Go home and cook you a nice meal. If you don't know how I'll get you a cookbook, okay, you ask mama. You know what I mean. Yes, that's what I did, mama. So you know, that's. That's what, just bringing it back to the basics, and that's the steps that I like to take there on doing that. And no, we can't do anything at this time. But hey, maybe in six months or years time you get everything together, build this habit. Then we can go ahead and revisit this stuff because we've got a course, we've got an idea. I know you, you know me, you, we know together what we're trying to accomplish here. Let's work nice, nice.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Do you ever, do you ever recommend um individuals to change their I know their financial life, but their, their physical life? Is there anything you've had to say? You know, maybe you should get out more, maybe you should exercise, because you know that side of the house and how detrimental it is for our thought process. Is that something that you find yourself wandering into sometimes?

Nathan Williams:

Yes, Wandering into it is definitely a good way of saying it, because it's not something I just go ahead and slap you with like hey, you know, you know you should just work out too, that that'll help you know, but yeah, that is something I wander into and then I get the opportunity to explain how you know that's connected.

Nathan Williams:

You know all the different things in your life are. All the stuff in your life is connected. You know, know, exercising, build cognitive function and everything like that. And typically the way you, if you have this part of your life stabilized and going in the right direction, it also will take over in other parts of your life. What's a good word for it? Determination and motivation, and the what's the commitment? Okay, to continue to wake up every day and go work out and everything like that. You can commit yourself and be disciplined. That's the word I'm looking for Discipline, which, if you're disciplined and getting yourself personally ready every morning and going to the gym and stuff, you can be disciplined with your finances as well too. You can be disciplined with the way that you eat. You can be disciplined with the way you treat your kids. You can be disciplined with the way you treat your wife. You can be disciplined through the Bible every day or every morning. You can be disciplined in going to church. Disciplined in prayer, disciplined, disciplined, disciplined, disciplined. It all bleeds over to everywhere.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

And it starts with the way you treat yourself. That's it, yeah. So thank you, cause that's huge Putting it all together. And as far as the spiritual health, that spiritual exercise, that's a big one, isn't it? Yeah, absolutely, because sometimes we get in a headspace and that headspace is just corrosive, it's crazy, it doesn't make sense, and we end up doing things that don't make sense with our body, with our finances. We start eating wrong, we start thinking wrong, we start sleeping wrong and I wonder, is there a certain—maybe I'm stretching it—but is there a certain look that people have when they come to you and they're financially successful?

Nathan Williams:

Compared to those. Is there a look of those who you can tell they don't have their stuff together? There's some trends, there's trends, there's trends.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

you know there's different trends and are you saying, like, how they physically their parents, yeah, how they, how they approach you, when, when they step up to you, um, and they say, look, um, I need, I need to make some changes or I need your help and you can already start to see? In other words, I'm not saying that you're turning on the radar like the car salesman. You see him coming across the parking lot. Oh, we're getting a good sale out of this one. It's more of. I can see that you need help and when you see that and you see that in crowds because you teach classes.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Is that something that really pulls you? I mean, you're like, do you kind of drift toward those individuals? Do you let them come to you? What's your approach is kind of what I'm saying when you identify that.

Nathan Williams:

Well, first off, I want to say this okay, what I did learn from car sales is you don't judge anybody. I mean, we all kind of look at people and we're like, no, this person. But there's been some times that I've been like, yeah, this person is not going to get it, and they surprised the heck out of me. I got stories for days and they surprised the heck out of me on that. So in a sense, you know, yeah, there is, like I said, there's trends. So I mean, if you got somebody that's, you know, not really dressed properly or it looks like they dug their stuff out the trash partially, you know they're most likely not going to have it. But there's some people that are just, they have finances and stuff and they've got their stuff together. They're just lazy with their appearance. That's not the case most of the time, because that's the way we tend to usually make a little bit more money. We tend to care about our appearance and stuff because we got that money by being in a certain environment where we need to. Yeah, so that's all relatable and stuff. But you got some farmer out here. He don't care that, he just stepped in cow pies and stuff like that and then comes to your class, you know I'm saying, and right, so you know you never really know. But the approach, um, you know I'm not flagging you down, I'm not, I don't. When you come to my class, I'm not asking you to give me your, your sign-in sheet and everything like that so I can contact you.

Nathan Williams:

Literally, I want to take, I want to only want to help people that want to take advantage of what I have to offer. Perfect, um, I've got people that reach out to me from three years ago that I ran into and I've got one person that's been calling me uh, last within the last two weeks. He's uh, he's his business. Business has to do with roofs. There's a lot of stuff going on in Oklahoma right now, back to back to back, so he's been pretty busy.

Nathan Williams:

But he's assured me that he's not wasting my time. He wants me to sit down and meet with me or whatever, and I haven't chased him at all and I'm not going to, because who am I to chase down you to get your money? That's right. If you want help, I'm here. If not, it's okay, Take your time until you feel more comfortable about it and everything. So it's a really soft approach. Perfect. You know there's always. You know I'm always here. I'm not going anywhere. You'll see me on Facebook, you'll see me around town or whatever. I might just shoot you a text just to meet up for lunch again, if we have that kind of relationship, or just to check and see how you're doing. It has nothing to do with business.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

So the reason I ask that is because some people are profiling and I think that's an early mistake. It's a mistake that because I've had those farmers come in before and I'm like, oh, this is going to be a rough one and they're the most intelligent individuals, so intelligent that they don't need to impress you. They don't wear the top of the line clothes, they don't have all, but they've got everything and more than anyone could ever imagine. And we don't have to chase business. And I guess I was going to say that's an early mistake that a lot of people make and I haven't ever seen you do that. That's why I wanted to get your opinion on it, because it's something when people want your business, they will come to you. You don't have to sell.

Nathan Williams:

Right, and isn't that how we all want to have our business anyway? Yeah, you don't want to work like that. People say that prospecting is the worst part of building your business. Yeah, I could say something else, but I'm not going to go there on this podcast right now. But there's other things that are relatable to what we want to achieve, and the prospecting is the worst part of that as well, too, but we're not going to go that far on this one.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

We'll save that for another one. Yeah, I think the take-home message that I've really appreciated hearing you say is you have found what your heart desires. You have found a balance in many different aspects to achieve what you're achieving, and the big one is, you found a community that needs your services and you're applying that to people that you know it's going to make a difference for generations to come. Has there been anything that has really thrown you off balance in this journey to be who you are today? Is there anything that you could give as far as advice? In the pitfalls I know, right, that's a heavy one, because I think it's daily there's something trying to take you off your game, and how do you battle that?

Nathan Williams:

You know, part of it is humility, keeping yourself humble. I said something a while ago while I was speaking and I said if you don't seek humility, humility will find you, humility will find you. And, uh, you know, I thought I was doing a good job of seeking humility but, boy, in recent months and stuff it has found me. So, okay, um, but just part of that is, like I said, staying humble. Um, and in those pitfalls and stuff like that, just knowing that you know if you're a praying man or a woman, you know, knowing that you know if you're praying man or woman, you know, knowing that you're going to be able to come out of it. And these struggles that you run into are not to bring you down there, to make you stronger. So if you notice throughout life, you know what I like to use the analogy with working out all the time, it's a good analogy. To be able to grow muscles, you have to break down the muscles that you already have, which rebuild, and you become stronger that way. So anytime you run into a challenge or something like that, or life trying to hit you in the mouth a little bit, you know that's them breaking down the muscles that you have and you getting through that is going to make you you're going to come out stronger. Through the other side of doing that, you learn lessons, you know, you gain more perseverance. You gain more perseverance and, to be honest with you, you're going to fail more often than you're going to succeed. Anyway, I honestly would rather fail quick. Just get it out of the way. Yeah, get it out of the way, because sometimes you get into that drag of you know till you finally fall. Just get it. Let me fail real quick. Let me learn my lesson, let me move on, and so just that's what I, that's what I would say is don't give up, keep pushing through any struggle that you got. Believe in yourself, you know, because a lot of people will come with you with negative, negative spirits and everything like that you want. Believe in yourself, you know, because a lot of people will come with you with negative spirits and everything like that. You want to make sure you have surrounded yourself with people that are going to give you positive energy and reinforce you.

Nathan Williams:

I've sat down with people that will literally tell me like, if anybody can get this done, it's you, nate. If anybody can do this done, it's you, nate, if anybody can do this, it's you. Like, hands down, even when I'm like this is being a little rough right now, man, and they're like dog, you got it. If anybody can do it, it's you, and those are the kind of friends I got and I'm like surprised myself. I didn't know that you thought that much about me. And so that in turn, I go home and look in the mirror like remember what my buddy said, remember what Isaac said, remember what Derek said. Dang, you got this, you got this, and that helps keep you afloat. During those times. You just keep on grinding.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

That's what it is yeah, I know as business owners we kind of have to cut our own path. I mean, yeah, there's career fields that we go into. There's finance, there's medicine, there's different specialties in medicine. I know the different career fields that I went into, some were horrible. For obvious reasons I don't do those anymore. But yeah, getting that workout in that creates that pain, like getting that burn in that first time when you go to the gym. Referring back to what you were saying, I know many times after that first workout I'm like why am I doing this? This hurts, I'm not going to do that anymore. When in fact that's where the growth happens.

Nathan Williams:

Yep exactly.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

And that's how it is in business. I think over the years I've heard many people say just show up. If you can't do anything or if you feel like you're mentally exhausted, you feel like you're failing, just show up. Show up. I mean, we had a saying in the military They'll promote you if you just keep showing up long enough.

Nathan Williams:


Dr DeWayne Baugus:

But it doesn't always pertain to the civilian world, but it does mean that in business, when you're there, being there, there may be days where no one shows up, no one calls, but there may be days where you can't answer that phone because there's so many people trying to call. You're getting backed up and I think that that spirit inside, that drive I think the Lord gives us that drive and puts us in a certain position in the community that we can help each other, puts us in a certain position in the community that we can help each other. And in that process you have individuals like yourself, and I know I've had to surround myself with good friends too. There's individuals that were there picking me up and I remember their words Get up, get up, keep going. One more step, one more step, keep going. You got it and I think that that's a good message for everybody is just keep going don't listen to the riffraff um wow, what a, what a great conversation yeah

Nathan Williams:

to have with you one other thing I and I just thought of this as well too is, you know, because you find yourself going down this path and sometimes you hit like a dead end kind of. You're like, oh man, I don't know what to do, or this is a you know, it's all. The lights went out. I don't, it's dark now. I don't know where to go and whenever, like you said, just show up and just take that next step. You know, that's what it's, that's what it's all about.

Nathan Williams:

I used to run track in high school and stuff like that too, and and you know, you get tired, you get tired and you're just like, man, let me just go another 100 yards or another 50 yards or whatever, keep going, keep going, keep going. And in business and stuff, just take the next step. You don't know where to go, but you probably know what's your next step to take, whether it be, hey, let me go to a networking event. What's your next step to take? Whether it be, hey, let me go to a networking event, let me pick up the phone and call people, let me follow up with these people, let me check on this client or whatever, or this patient that I just saw, and everything Asking for referrals, whatever. There's a next step that you can take to advance your business all the time. There's another step, and just take that one step, that's it.

Nathan Williams:

If you don't know where to go, you can't see in the next three months or anything like that, or the next six months, just take the next step that day. What can you do? Is it picking up the phone? Is it calling the person that you did yesterday, thanking them for just meeting up with you and stuff? It might not even be a client, just hey, I had fun with you, you know, building a relationship with somebody, just whatever. Just take that next step, that's it. You know that's whenever you're working out and everything. You just keep the bar. Keep the bar moving, just keep pumping.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Yeah, it's. I think that that says a lot for our spiritual growth. Many times we don't know what the next step is going to be, but we have to take it, we have to step in faith. I think over the years meeting other business owners, getting to talk to them, they say the exact same thing is what you're saying is just keep that step going. You don't know where it's going, you don't need to plan it, it doesn't have to be choreographed, you can just step into it. Many times there's something there, maybe psychologically, that you've blocked yourself, that resistance. Maybe because you haven't seen it yet, you think you can't do it. And there's so many things that we achieve without even knowing it. I was talking to a business owner who thought that they had lost everything. Everything went dark. A business owner took everything or a business partner and all the business seemed to disappear. But it hadn't. It was that thought in their head.

Nathan Williams:

It's our mind right.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

That's when we get back into prayer and go. Lord, I have no idea what just happened, but I know I'm supposed to learn from this. It's going to make me stronger. It's going to build my faith in taking that next step in the dark.

Nathan Williams:

Yeah, the mindset of having, the mindset of abundance rather than having lost. You know you're like I am enough, I have enough. You know not that I don't have anything. I lost everything, Just realizing what you still have, and even if it just might be your own talents. I've had a lot of people, or I've had some people talk about their confidence stuff and you know they're like I'm not confident enough to do this.

Nathan Williams:

Well, what are you confident in about yourself? Is it that you're building relationships with people? Is it that you're great at just speaking? Is it that you're great at numbers? What are you confident about? Have confidence in yourself in those areas, walking into this and then you build around that. That's what that's what it's all about. You know, if you walk into, if you're working out and you're you're, you're you're best workout at your chest, you know I'm saying have confidence that I'm going to be able to bench press more than anybody in here. Now I got to build my legs.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

I was going to say you got the little legs. Yeah, exactly, you know how You've seen it, we've all seen it. It's okay, they're in a process, right, exactly, we're all in process.

Nathan Williams:

So, yeah, we've got to build that, but have confidence in what you already have and what you possess as a talent, a gift or whatever, because we all have different gifts. Don't let those things go to waste. And have confidence in your gift and then you build around that stuff and then if you hate it, then you start delegating stuff.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Gotcha, but that takes time and wisdom. Exactly Time and wisdom. Is there anything that you do? That's going to be our last question. Is there anything that you do because you've covered the spiritual strength, in other words and prayer the physical strength, the mental strength? Is there anything that you do to maintain your health as far as medicine? Is there anything that you use to balance everything and bring it all together?

Nathan Williams:

Well, I come to see you. Yes.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

There's that I know I'm one of many of your team members that you go to for medicine. How do you put that in your mind, though? Because you make time to go to the gym, you make time for your personal life. What does it look like? Do you designate a time to look at your health care and look at medicine?

Nathan Williams:

Oh, yeah, totally. I box it out, just like I do with everything else. So my workouts going in at 530 in the morning, you know, because that's the time that I actually have I have wife, kids, job and everything that's the time that I box out that I know that I have to myself. Nobody can take away from me that I can focus on that stuff. Meal prepping you know, on the weekends my wife cooks a lot of meals. I don't do it, but you know, this is about having a great partner. Wow. So you have that.

Nathan Williams:

Yeah, so boxing out time she boxes out time for doing that. Yeah, so that way we have meals prepared for the week as well too, and it's planned on how we eat and what we're eating and everything, rather than, hey, let's pick up some mcdonald's real quick because we're hungry. So it's just having a plan and boxing out time, just like you do with your business as well too. So you know, I've got time that I schedule for my clients, time that I schedule for phone calls and to my clients, but I do have that stuff planned out for my health coming in with you as well too. I schedule it and make sure that I'm here on time.

Nathan Williams:

It's all good, but I make sure that I box out all the stuff, because that stuff is just as important to me as going to meet a client or doing my class or anything like that. It all folds into one and creates the person that you see and you sit down and talk to and I know that's going to be better for me in the future. And, no matter what situation, my health is number one, because without your health, you don't have anything else. Really, it's gone. Yeah, it's over with.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

So in other words, you got a health care practitioner at home that's making sure you're eating right.

Nathan Williams:


Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Putting it all together. Yeah, I do too. It's important.

Nathan Williams:

We have the advice from mom as a nutritional.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

I'm sure that that happens whenever she talks to you, right? There's always something.

Nathan Williams:

I'm going to experiment too with her. Hey, try this. Try that. What is turmeric I? I'm going to experiment too with her. Hey, try this. Try that. What is turmeric? I don't know, that's a root. Right, eat that.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

That's what children are for. It's for her to gain knowledge, first-hand experience.

Nathan Williams:

I thought that ended at a certain age, but experiments still go on right. That's right, and you?

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

have children. I have two All this going on, this whole conversation, balancing all these things, and you have a beautiful wife and beautiful children that are also being they're time managed. I mean they get everything that they possibly can, that you can possibly give, as well as balancing all of it, and you're doing it with a healthy marriage, absolutely, and that that's that says everything, and that's the balance that we're looking for, right yes and that and that, and I mean I have joy out of my family.

Nathan Williams:

Yeah, you know, yes, I have good day at work and everything like that. And I come home, I got my daughter three-year-old. It's running up to me, daddy, daddy, daddy got my is like, hey, let's play soccer, let's play chess, you know all these different things. And then you know my wife hey, honey, you know how's your day and how's everything going. Let's do a date night this weekend. You know, I can fit that all in.

Nathan Williams:

And before, where I was at, I didn't have none of that, none of that. Yeah, money was good and all that stuff, but I didn't have a lifestyle that I wanted at all and that is so much more important to me than a dollar is. And you can get the dollar anywhere, but I can't. I'm not going to find another wife Crystal. I'm not going to find another one of her. I'm not going to find another Olivia or Bryson. I'm not going to find another wife Crystal. I'm not going to find another one of her. I'm not going to find another Olivia or Bryson. I'm not going to find those three people anywhere. They're right here and so I need to cherish them and take care of them as much as possible and enjoy them as often as possible for years to come. So that's what I wanted, and I got it Cool.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

That's amazing. Well, thank you. Thank you for spending time with me today.

Nathan Williams:

Thank you for inviting me.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Absolutely, you're. Actually, you're my first guest, so it's been interesting to pick your brain and also see what the viewers are going to be interested in, see what they're going to like. Absolutely, I always want to hear feedback. I want to know exactly what direction that you want me to take some conversations in, because we're going to have a lot of guests on the show. As far as entrepreneurs, business owners, these individuals are in your community, they're succeeding when others seem like they're failing, and I think it's because that's where their heart is. It's in the right place. It's bringing something to the table, not looking to take something off the table when they go to work every day or when they come home. So, nathan, thank you again. Nathan Williams, Capital, do you have a website?

Nathan Williams:

yeah, I do have a website, www. prymecapital. info.. I'm on Facebook, Capital, if you want to just be my friend on there too. I have my personal page, Nathan Williams, and then I also have an Instagram as well, too, which is underscore Capital and it's P-R-Y-M-E Pryme and it's regular Capital.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Well, yeah, if you want to know more about Nathan, if you want to know his services, if you want to get to meet this guy, bring your helmet, because he's going to come at you charging.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

No he's, as you can tell, he's very down to earth, very humble with what he does, and we want to let people know that he's out there, he's succeeding and he's happy to help you succeed too, and help protect your family. And you can pick his brain. I mean, he's a guy that's well-rounded, he can give you some advice in multiple areas of your life and all he wants to do is help advice in multiple areas of your life, and all he wants to do is help. So, until next time, we look forward to hearing from you and we're going to adjust some questions and answers based on what you tell us. So thank you for joining us.

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