Balancing Life and Medicine

Integrating Faith and Profession: Navigating Medicine, Real Estate, and Heartfelt Communication for a Fulfilling Career

Dr. DeWayne Baugus Season 1 Episode 10

Have you ever wondered how faith can seamlessly integrate into your professional life, especially in fields like medicine and real estate? Join us for an engaging conversation with Dr. DeWayne Baugus and Edward Jay from Solid Rock Realtors as they openly share how their faith influences their personal and professional interactions. They candidly reveal the challenges they face when discussing faith in their respective fields and offer unique insights into balancing faith with patient care and client relationships.

Experience the power of "heart language"—genuine, heartfelt communication that transcends mere words. Listen to a touching story about a retired chiropractor who regained his ability to walk, illustrating the profound impact of addressing both the physical and emotional aspects of health. Dr. Boggess and Edward Jay emphasize the importance of faith in providing comfort and encouragement during tough times, reminding us that true healing and support often come from a higher power.

From navigating the complexities of VA loans to finding a trustworthy real estate agent, discover how faith, trust, and confidence play pivotal roles in overcoming life's challenges. Through personal anecdotes, our guests highlight the invaluable lessons learned from seasoned entrepreneurs and the significance of resilience in the entrepreneurial journey. Tune in for an episode rich with insights and inspiration, as we explore the intersection of faith, communication, and professional success.

Edward Jay - 918-232-2389 -

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Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Thank you for joining us today on Balancing Life in Medicine. I'm Dr Dwayne Baugus. I'm joined here by Edward Jay from Solid Rock Realtors. What we're going to be discussing is how we encourage others in business with faith, how we present ourselves and what that does to our interaction, how we present ourself, our faith, and what it means to our success. Let's jump in, ed, because that's kind of like there's a steep edge and we're just going to dive right off in the deep end with it, because sometimes it's touchy and other there's no need to be touchy. Let's just jump right in and I want to present who I am, which is a good, honest approach when you're bringing not just you know your business or a product, but yourself. And how have you infused that? I mean because there's some people that say, well, there's a time and place now, you know.

Edward Jay:

And that's a social aspect of it. You know for business and different business that I've been in the past and in now real estate. Of course there's things you don't talk about in business because it's offensive or they take it the wrong way or you're not like-minded. So you don't talk about religion, you don't talk about politics and in certain aspects you don't talk about oh it's you or oh you, depending on who their client is.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

We won't go there or to you.

Edward Jay:

Right, so you know we don't. I like everybody equally, so he's trying for business. I don't want to offend any of my sports fans, right, but those are taboo. It is it really is.

Edward Jay:

In sports. To some people is a religion right. Yes, we just kind of stay away from anything religious-based. But for me, and of course yourself as a faith-based individual, it's not about the specific religion, whatever it may be right, and there's no judgment. You know it doesn't matter if you're Catholic, protestant, you know it doesn't matter. You know, whatever it is, I look at an individual for who they are and I don't check your, you know. Can I see your Catholic card?

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Yeah, you got an ID on you.

Edward Jay:

Yeah, really, I know right, Methodist. Can I see your card please? No, it's nothing like that.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Are you looking for the ring or the pendant? Because it's a big deal right, it's huge.

Edward Jay:

It is Maybe a secret handshake, who knows?

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Yeah, if you mess it up first intro you're out so well.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

I know. For me bringing my faith into medicine isit was really tough in the beginning because I didn't know what the response was gonna be from patients who are coming in and they've just been told that they're dying or they're very sick, all these different things. So you're really possibly attacking something just by presenting yourself. But after that initial, the first three to five years of those presentations there's a confidence that I have found starts to build with my faith, with my personal relationship with God, with how I study and read the Word and how I pray and what I think is my personal. Like I said, there's no judgment.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Everybody has their personal relationship with God, or they don't, and most of them that don't. Well, they're used to tolerating those of us who are, and I'm still going to talk to them about it. But I'm never going to stop that faith, that encouragement, or trying to help people find peace in what they're looking for when it comes to medicine. But when it comes to products and sales and business, as far as like real estate, when it comes to those types of relationships, have you found any barriers with, with how you present yourself? I mean, I forget a wall.

Edward Jay:

No, not, not really. No, I mean over time, when, when I become you know again, you know this is a relationship type of business, so when I'm comfortable with clients, are comfortable with me, those walls start to come down. Maybe. You know, there's just, there's a, there's a that opportunity for those conversations. You know, I don't necessarily start with those. It's usually something from the client because if they feel comfortable with me talking about whatever they want to talk about, which is fine, I'm, you know, I'm open book pretty much they can bring those, those, those comments and questions to the table as we talk. You know, like you and I, you know, we, you know, over time, we just, you know, we understood each other and there was, you know, we talked about religion and faith and everything else you know. And when you made a comment about because of, with your career, you know, with the medicine, eastern medicine, do you feel that you know clients just automatically assume you, yeah, you, hinduism, buddhism, any of the isms, because of your business? Absolutely they do.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

That's fun. You just twisted that.

Edward Jay:

Well, yeah, it's my turn.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

I'm interrogating you now, right? Oh great, no, it's very thank you for asking, because that's something that I don't get asked very much, but it is assumed. And it's funny when I start to bring out the history of acupuncture, oriental medicine, integrative you know and I'm trained in both. You know Eastern and Western medicine and what I find is what works best for the patient. I'm never leaning toward one or the other, but there's the religious aspect that seems like it's infused or the other. But there's the religious aspect that seems like it's infused. And, historically speaking, taoism, hinduism, those kind of things, when they started to really come up in history I think the correct timeline is around 4 or 5 BC was when they really started pushing those religions, and Chinese medicine is 4,000 years old. So we predate, in fact, the Chinese.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

They talk about one God, the one God from heaven. They call him Shangdi, really, yeah, essentially, if you look back at the very beginning and we talk about the flood and Noah and his kids and how they dispersed, well, china, they got the flood too. The Asian area, that was also. In other words, they started from the same group. They had the same understanding of who God was. They came from Noah and his wife, who were entrenched in understanding who God was Right. Well, they got it. They built a boat I mean, boats weren't common back then because they're and they even talked about rain before there was rain. If you look at your Bible, there wasn't rain before the flood.

Edward Jay:

So Noah's talking about a flood, so in other words, it's 100 degrees outside, yeah, and they're going.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

It's never rained before. We have a dew on the what are you?

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

talking about Noah and they're like, yeah, he got into the weird weeds, he picked the wrong grass over there, but no, he didn't. So in other words, those kids from Noah, when they dispersed, they populated everywhere and we know from that timeline the population we have today is based off those that family, genetically speaking, it's them. Science has proven it. Some people say, ah, that's okay, but look at the science. Science has now it. Some people say, ah, that's okay, but look at the science. Science has now tried to disprove so much that they've proved it. God's real. So someone created us. We're here, we're not on the end of an MP3 player inside of a game as many people are saying, it's God's creation and that's how it's always worked.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

And the Chinese had one God and they talked about him and they named him Shangdi. So when you go back in history no, I'm not Taoist, buddhist I'm highly trained around those belief systems and cultures because you need to understand where medicine came from and where it splits from the true medicine into a religion.

Edward Jay:

Oh, exactly.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

And when you understand those, you can understand where people are and you can understand how to talk to them. It doesn't mean it changes my faith or who I am, but when that is presented, so you're this and I'm like I'm a Christian. Actually I believe in Jesus Christ. I don't believe Him, I trust Him. It's a better language to use. Some people say I don't know if I believe in God. It's not about belief. Actually, biblically, yeah, do you believe in the Lord? But there's another way of do you trust and live your life according to His will or you just believe in God? They're very different things.

Edward Jay:

It's more of a default statement at that point.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

So when people ask me about that and they say, well, I don't know how acupuncture works, I don't believe in it. It must not work for me. I'm like what your body's gonna If I step on a nail, I'm going to know it because my nervous system works. I don't put nails in people, but we all respond the same way and the body responds to stimulation. And when those stimulations were mapped out early on, we know hormones are released, we know there's pain relieving, there's resetting of the nervous system and there's no. You don't have to believe in it, it works right.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

I get that from my analytical crowd too you know I I have them come in and they're like you need to tell me in black and white how this works. And I'm going because they're like I don't believe in it.

Edward Jay:

Like okay, good, but that's, you don't have to you show them the map of the body on the wall going if I hit you here, it's gonna affect here, right you, right I tried to tell, but there's sometimes they don't get it.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

The numbers don't make sense. They don't Just like. We all respond differently to this life. We're all born into it, but we all end up going different directions. So the nervous system and how we respond is very different for each of us, and that has to be. That's where I have to get into customizing a treatment for each patient individually. It can't be a blanket.

Edward Jay:

one pill fits all Well you know faith in like I talk about faith. You know faith in Christ, faith in Heavenly Father. I have to have faith in you to do your job, to fix me, and I've been a patient of yours for a while now. And for those of you that don't know, I am needle phobic, don't like them, can't stand them, didn't like donating blood for overseas. You know, whatever it was, I have no tattoos, nothing, just needle phobic.

Edward Jay:

So my first experience with you because we had a consultation, you know what's wrong with you, ed, and I'm like, oh my gosh, there's a long list, you know. And you know you're taking mental notes. And then we came in here and sat down and you know you're Calm down, I'm like, I'm calm. No, you need to relax. I'm relaxed, you know, because my perception of what was going to happen was not, and I can equate that to faith. You know, if I don't calm down and relax and let Christ take over and have faith that he will, it makes it harder for those lifestyle changes. So when I relaxed and said, all right, just go for it. And then I stuck in my ears and all of a sudden and I took a nap that was weird for me because I took my phone on silent, because I'm stressed. I'm running around, I'm up at 3. I'm up at 4. I'm up until 10 at night and I finally made time to come see you.

Edward Jay:

And now I'm taking a nap in one of these chairs In a public area In a public area, with other people in here, and I'm like I don't do well with this stuff and all of a sudden these needles are in. I'm just telling you, there was snoring, there was drooling. We got pictures. I had a little bit. I had a bib. When I woke up, there was a bib. It's weird, I don't know what happened?

Edward Jay:

The sharpie. No, but that was. But we can equate the faith in our faith in general to having faith in others, and when we accept that, accept Christ, accept faith, those things happen in a positive manner.

Edward Jay:

I fell asleep and I needed apparently I needed to right and I worked but I felt so much better and then I went on about my day, and that's in every day. I'm not a religious person. I have my faith. I've been through several different Go to different churches and stuff like that to look for that. But it's always been my faith that I've kept. And I do talk to God on occasion in my vehicle, in my truck.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

So that's an inside joke.

Edward Jay:

It's a truck, right, but I'm in my vehicle and you know I just. You know thanks for having a good day. You know, thank you. You know I just very casual. You know People look at faith and go. You need to be very respectful, very formal, not for me. You know he's, you know I can consider him my Heavenly Father. He's Dad, he's whatever. You know. However, we look at it and he understands how I am and who I am. You know I don't have to explain that to anybody because that's internal with me and my faith. But my faith also comes through when I express myself to other people, to how I treat others. You know, and hopefully they can see it. You know we talked previously. When you know when you're smiling on the phone, they hear you smile. You know we talked previously. When you know when you're smiling on the phone, they hear you smile. Well, they can hear your faith based on your tone and how you treat people, because it's in here and I'm expressing that outwardly to somebody and they can feel that.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

It's amazing how that does come across. I think I've mentioned in previous videos when I was talking to others. I call that the heart language. It's when you're speaking your true self. There's no sales marketing, there's none of the fluff as far as verbal expression. It's just you're cut directly to the heart by speaking from the heart, being honest with another individual. This is going to help or I'm going to help you find the property or house you're looking for, or I'm going to help you with pain. I'm going to help you find the property or house you're looking for, or I'm going to help you with pain. I'm going to help you with sleep. I'm going to help your body get back into balance.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

I know that crosses over sometimes weird places because, short story, had a chiropractor come in. He hadn't walked in a year. He was in a wheelchair. He was a retired chiropractor, so he's an older guy and he's in a year. He was in a wheelchair. He was a retired chiropractor, so he's an older guy and he's in a wheelchair. His wife is pushing him. They come in the front door and they come in my office for a consultation. That's what I do with every patient and he says I don't know what you're going to do. I've got my MRIs, I've got my x-rays and we've got these obstacles and this. And I said, well, all I'm going to do is to try and help your body get back to that normal balance. I'm going to try and help you with pain, but I'm also going to have to investigate your emotions. And he kind of looked at me funny and thank goodness he was in the consult with his wife, because those of us who are married and have been into a consultation with our spouse, they remember things that we're purposefully trying to forget, that we don't want to tell anybody about. Yeah, she did so.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

When I got into that conversation he had a ton of fear. As a physician, we rarely talk about our biggest fears and that's the worst patients we've encountered that we can't like. They're at the end of life. This is horrible. How do I help them? Palliative care, how do we help with the end stages of life? And these individuals are tortured and, yes, we lose sleep at night. It's hard to understand. How can I help someone more? Did I do anything wrong? Am I doing everything I possibly can? All those things, and if you can imagine a whole career of memories of patients who are now gone, who have struggled, who got to their wit's end. You've done everything you possibly can. There's a fear that starts to get in you. Did I do everything that I was supposed to do? And that's where our faith comes in and goes. Yeah, because I didn't send you to save everybody, is what God's saying. I've already got them. You're here to encourage.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

That's not your responsibility. Many times it's a blessing as a physician to get to see people when maybe they've got that bad diagnosis and they've got a few months. But how do we encourage and bring joy, how do we bring comfort in their life? That's a big responsibility that only faith can do, because we can't muster that normally on our own. Many times we're like, yeah, that's terrible, dude, this is, I'm gonna have a drink for you tonight. You know all these kind of things.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

But how do we encourage others when they're facing what they know as is a bad thing? Well, getting into the emotional component, stepping into it with faith and being honest with that heart language. You know he was able to tell me what he was afraid of and it's different for everybody, but the treatment I did on them that day he sat right where you're sitting and he was facing this wall because there's a TV up behind me with nature shows and when the clinic's, you know, at full combat speed and I did a treatment on him, hadn't walked in a year and for the first time he walked, he walked and he came in that next week and I didn't recognize him because the guy's like 6'3", he was in a wheelchair. I didn't know how big he was. Right, he's been sitting the whole time. He was sitting the whole time and his wife was smiling. I recognized her, but I didn't recognize him. He was a completely different animal.

Edward Jay:

And you know he was stiff because he hadn't walked in a year.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

But he was walking and he said you healed me. And I said no, no, I don't heal anybody. God's the only one that heals people. I just try to encourage you to be closer to Him. I get up every day and the first thing that comes to my mind is thank you, Lord, for another day, thank you for the blessings you've already prepared, because I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm just like a toddler just running out in traffic every day. I have no idea, I think we all are.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

And getting to the clinic, and my wife and I, we prepare our hearts and minds to be of service. We prepare our hearts and minds to be of service and we have faith that God is going to dowell. He's got to do what he wants to do and what His plan is the weird obstacle?

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

is, we think we know what the plan is and we never know. Once again, face plant it's like I got this figured out, funk. So leaning on Him in those times of when people get better and also giving Him the glory and not letting people get persuaded into believing that there's a healer that they need to go find. That's a big secret. It is, that's a big secret. People come in and they say, well, I'm going to this healing convention, I'm going to this revival, I'm going to this mission. You know, people are healed everywhere. It's not in a build, god's not in a building and it's in your personal relationship with the Lord, whatever that may be, because God knows us and that relationship is developed when you're interacting with.

Edward Jay:


Dr DeWayne Baugus:

But many times people get confused and they're like well, dwayne did this, dr Boggs did that. You know, apparently Taoism works.

Edward Jay:

Well, that's not Taoism.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

That is not something that's a part of what we're doing. That faith has to shine through. In other words, I have to correct people in why things are working and help them understand.

Edward Jay:

this isn't voodoo, it's like you, gave that person, their body, the opportunity to heal and encourage them, encourage them, and then let them allow that to happen, because otherwise he'd still be sitting in that chair, stiff, mad. The emotional aspect, Because that affects us physically.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

There's depression, there's all kinds of things that come along with it, and when we encourage others and one of the reasons I mentioned emotions is because emotions can keep you from getting up and moving forward. Yes, they can keep you from walking, they can keep you from talking, they can keep you from interacting or being able to have confidence, to share your faith when someone may need that little mustard seed biblically of sharing and encouraging.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

So with your personality, I kind of get the idea that you take a lot of wisdom and you put yourself in the backseat when you're interacting with someone who's looking to buy, sell, and you're just trying to figure out who are you, what's your relationship with the Lord and what can I help you with, and you let them bring their terms, but you don't change at all. No, I don't.

Edward Jay:

You know the core part is not changed, it won't change. No, I don't, the core part is not changed, it won't change. There's a certain asset. To a point You're like okay, I need to make some adjustments based on the communication, the content of whatever we're doing, but it's that core part where the faith sits, that's where it's solid. Going back to having that faith, that internal faith where you're expressing concern, you're talking to somebody, even when you're giving them bad news. It's more acceptable because of how you're communicating, through that heartfelt conversation, with that faith-based tone, as it were, to get them to understand. You know this is, it's not good, this is not helping, this is going to be whatever it is. You know they seem to be more acceptable, accepting that statement. You know the answer because you're communicating in that manner the truth, yes, the truth. People want the truth.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Yeah, they don't like to hear it, but they need it Right. I mean, I know the first obstacle we ran into in buying a home. We went and we looked to get a loan, being a veteran, with the VA loan route. The individual didn't know how to work with VA loans so everything was messed up, but you were there.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

You're like, ah, no, no, no, we're going to keep trying. I think that's when you mentioned I'm going to drop it. Can I drop, sure, rob's name, rob Grimes? Rob Grimes, man, you're listening right, he's an animal. So that guy, he worked miracles and I know he's been in different organizations but he's still consistent. And you gave us that hope. Like, no, no, you can try. And yeah, that's an option. We'll go another direction, we'll find you a way, we'll get you into a home, because otherwise it's like and many times before I talked to a realtor and they're like, yeah, dude you don't make enough money.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

I don't think where this is going to work at all. Like I hope you have a really comfortable backseat in your truck.

Edward Jay:

You know like you're never going to be able to get in.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Are you comfortable in that one?

Edward Jay:

bedroom apartment. Yeah right, you know that kind of thing.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

And I was completely shot down multiple times in Florida. No one wanted to do work for the veteran because of the VA. You know that was a headache to them. If you don't have a couple million, I just I don't know that we can work comfortably with you Weird ones. I obviously went in the wrong offices. So the first time we try for a home here and we hit that obstacle in the beginning, how devastating I was like. Here it is again.

Edward Jay:

That set you back reminded you of what happened yeah.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

I went like three chapters back, man. I'm like, yep, this world hates me, I'm never going to be out of an. How does that work? You know I've got a successful business. Everything's going good. I'm like people are lying. How did they get into their homes? Is this long-term old money?

Edward Jay:

Does everybody rich around me and they're just faking it.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

I'm a doctor in a one-bedroom apartment. I'm a doctor, as if that ego brings you anywhere and it doesn't. It's just like well why?

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Why I think I'm doing everything I'm supposed to be doing, but what I needed was an individual who had faith and confidence in knowing what they were doing with what I brought to the table. And, like you said, like a treatment, people have to trust you, they have to have faith in you and you have to speak with confidence when you're working with them, because that is a big key. I've had many acupuncture physicians in the past come in and say I do the same treatment and it doesn't work. I've trained a lot in the past as a professor in Florida and getting to see these students and they're like we're going to do a treatment on you and we'll see. And what that does is it sets the body up for anxiety.

Edward Jay:

They're already starting to get tense because of how you presented yourself.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Yeah, I mean. So it has to be the same with that much money working in real estate.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Because, I want to say that much money $20,000 or $30,000 is a ton of money for some families it's all they got, or even less. Maybe they don't have anything and they need a way to get started. You know how to liquidate. Look at other things. You were able to look in areas. I was like there's money there. You're like, oh yeah, there's a lot of money. I'm like what? So I could see like something moving in the back of your head. There was wheels turning. You're like, oh yeah, smoke burning. You know the wheels are getting burnt.

Edward Jay:

You know, because there were so many other options that you know people don't know where to look. They see the traditional path. You know one way, and if I don't make it in that one way, well, I guess I'll sign another lease another year. We'll see what happens next year. No, there's so many other options. But full circle to the faith. Trust that agent, preferably me. Find that faith in that person to do the right thing. Because for me it's not.

Edward Jay:

The money's gonna come right, whether it's today, tomorrow and a month from now. We may not even find the right property, the house for you. Maybe you do need to get into an apartment to save a little bit more money. That's fine. But to do the right thing is not about the financial gain. To do the right thing is feeling good that I'm helping you, whether it's now, whether it's a year from now that I'm helping you, whether it's now whether it's a year from now. And I've got clients like that. They're not ready, that's fine. You know my faith tells me I shouldn't push. You know I'm not that greedy individual. That's all about the. You know chasing the next dollar. You know the almighty dollar kind of thing. You know it's, it's, the money will come, that's. That's not a, it's a given, because if you do the right thing, you have that faith in what you do. You know you're feeling Christ driven feeling.

Edward Jay:

I should talk to this person a certain way. You know we talk about Christ. We'll also talk about, you know, the Holy Ghost. There's a whisper. You know there's a whisper back there. If you feel that and hear it, pay attention to it. Don't dismiss it, as you know I've got voices. You know that kind of thing Well it can almost be confusing to hear.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Is it my conscience, is it my fear? Is it my worry? Are these whispers, are these things? How do we discern from the Holy Spirit and our own conscious mind? And that comes through a long-term relationship with the Lord, not through a religious entity or a ceremony. And that's where I always encourage everyone to build that personal relationship, because the faith we're talking about there's two kinds that we've mentioned in the conversation. If you haven't picked up on it, one is faith in an individual and then the other one is where that individual's faith that you have is coming from?

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Where is their security? Where's their peace? Where's their understanding? And we have to discern that, because some people have false faith and they're just throwing things out there. They're kind of keeping you hooked on, they're dragging you along and they're hoping man, I hope they come into money sometime. Just tell you what you want to hear.

Edward Jay:

Yeah, exactly.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

They're just kind of dragging you along. But there's two types of faith and the one faith you really can clearly discern when someone's being honest, that heart language that we're discussing. The other one is when we see someone that has faith and how it's bearing fruit. That's so discussed, it's discussed so many times biblically is they will bear fruit. And what does that fruit look like? And if you look real closely, there's some fruit that is of the world. That's the dollar you can chase that. It's a roller coaster ride so that's the wrong kind of fruit.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

The fruit that we're talking about is joy, peace. That's the wrong kind of fruit. The fruit that we're talking about is joy, peace, comfort, confidence, all these things that a person, it emulates from them and when you're interacting with them that was the same thing that I seen with my wife was Ed's going to find a way, and I'm going to stay in it, because that's good fruit. There's sustenance there. Sustenance, yes, it's there, and so faith in individuals. But also you're looking deeper at where does that individual get their faith from? And many times that's how we're a witness, we're not pushing anything. It's the fruit. And they're like I want to have good fruit, I want to have peace and joy. Why is it, when I go to work with Ed, that I always feel at peace, I always feel comfortable, I always feel relaxed. What is that? Is that Ed? Because the answer is no. It's Ed's faith in what the Lord bestows upon him, because we don't have that in the world. The world is chaos, it doesn't breed those things, it doesn't bear that fruit.

Edward Jay:

And just to be clear, when we talk about faith, there's a religion in faith. I'm not knocking any religion and that's never the case. I have clients in different religions and family members and there's different aspects of that, which is fun. I mean, it's got nothing to do with that part of the conversation. You know, there's respect for all of it. There's nothing, there's no negativity towards it. You know, because at the end of the day, whatever religion you're in, you have your faith and you take that with you.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Yes, and you have to leave that building at some point. Yeah, and you take that with you. Yes, and you have to leave that building at some point. Yeah, and it's 24-7. It is it's 24-7. So, with that being said, I think we're going to wrap up this discussion. There's, I think, many more discussions is probably going to happen.

Edward Jay:

This is volume one of many.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Yeah, volume one. So thank you for joining us. Please send us some comments. Is there anything that you want to hear, anything you want to discuss? Any questions at all? When it comes to business owners or future entrepreneurs, there's a lot of good wisdom from individuals who have experienced the ups and downs and the seasons as things change what to expect and what not to get caught up on, but how to have faith in what you're doing. So I'm Dr DeWayne Baugus. This is Eddie Jay, and I look forward to seeing you in the next video.

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