Balancing Life and Medicine

Faithful Tech: Blending Belief and Daily Balance

Dr. DeWayne Baugus Season 1 Episode 11

What happens when an IT professional with a passion for faith and human connection meets the rigors of everyday life? Gary Zane, who discovered his love for computers with a Commodore 64, joins us to explore this very question. From his high school typing classes to his journey as a self-employed IT expert, Gary's story is both inspiring and humbling. He shares how his belief system and life experiences have defined his professional approach, making him a "people person" who uses his tech skills to serve and uplift others. 

Balancing faith with daily challenges is no easy feat, and Gary opens up about his personal struggles and the continuous need for spiritual guidance. We discuss how faith isn't a magic solution to life's problems but a path that requires humility and constant recalibration. Through heartfelt stories, Gary illustrates how small moments of encouragement and unexpected spiritual connections are woven into the fabric of our daily routines, reminding us of the importance of being open to God's guidance.

In the midst of our busy lives, finding balance is crucial. Gary and I delve into how taking breaks through simple activities like watching TV or going for a drive can mitigate issues like insomnia and anxiety. We emphasize the spiritual necessity of rest and its alignment with biblical teachings, offering a holistic approach to wellness that encompasses spirit, soul, and body. As Gary shares his dedication to helping small business owners with personalized support, we highlight the value of human interaction and the importance of maintaining purpose and community, especially for those nearing retirement. This episode is a rich tapestry of technical wisdom, faith, and practical advice for achieving balance in our hectic lives.

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Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Thank you for joining us today on Balancing Life and Medicine. I'm Dr DeWayne Baugus. My guest is Gary Zane. He's the computer guy. We're going to be diving into what he does, his faith, his understanding, his interactions with all those in the community and how he wants to be able to help you. So enjoy our conversation and I'll look forward to your comments. Welcome to Balancing Life in Medicine. I'm Dr DeWayne Baugus. I'm joined today with Gary Zane, also known as my Computer Guy. He knows just about everything that you can imagine about computers and all the things that computers have changed, upgraded and turned into over the last few years. So we're going to dive into who's Gary, who's this guy working on my computer, who's the one keeping my business going and what really makes Gary tick as far as his faith and how he works with others when they're asking for his help. Thanks for joining me, gary. Thank you, yeah, it's great that you're here. I've got to know you over our networking group.

Gary Zane:

Yes, spark, spark.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Yeah, it's a fun one. And you're the IT guy, you're the IT guru, you're the one that we always call on whenever something's wrong with our presentations and you're like, yeah, you guys will fix it. You guys, I love to watch you make us figure it out. But I also know that you've got your way of doing things and you do things with a lot of wisdom and I've always liked that when we've interacted. So tell me what? Who's Gary? I mean, you use every platform that you can when interacting with people to share encouragement and hope. I just hear that in your voice. When did you start the my Computer Guy? Where did you get into this?

Gary Zane:

Forty years ago my older brother gave me a Commodore 64 for a wedding present and I understood immediately that something clicked on the inside of me. It just made sense, and very few other people that I ever talked to understood that or even cared about it at all. But it was just a desire and a willingness to learn. No, a desire to learn, and I've been doing stuff like that ever since. I really didn't know before that, I guess you could say. Really it got started when I took typing class in high school because I wanted to be around the girls and get dates which worked, by the way, oh yeah. And I did get up to 55 words a minute on a manual typewriter. Come on, that's the hammer right? Yeah, 55 words a minute for a guy, that's pretty good. But that helped a lot, because every job that I had after that the boss would always say hey, gary knows how to type, put him on the computer. And so I learned data entry, as they called it back then, and, like I said, it just clicked and I understood it and I picked it up, probably years after I was born again, that it was a leading from God, because my resume, by all rights, looks like a shotgun blast, except I realized that everything that I have done has led up to who I am today. The 20 years of warehousing, the 20 years of sales, the 20 years of business understanding all overlapping of course, because I'm only 73, I'm really not 145, that everything just kind of built into me how to treat people and again, I was rather sociopathic until a few years after I was born again, and then I got this weird likability for these human beings that I really didn't have before, for these human beings that I really didn't have before. Again, everything that I have done all of my life led up to who I am.

Gary Zane:

And I tell people I'm not a computer guy, I am a people person that happens to know about computers and that is the window to get in front of people and meet needs. I feel like a bartender. Sometimes People just start regurgitating all of their problems. You know, because it's the Spirit of God in me that draws those things out so that I know how to meet those needs. And so you ask questions, you learn about people, you ask things about them. You look at things on their walls and pictures of the grandkids and the cats and the old houses and you find out where the connection is so that you can present the Lord Jesus Christ, mm-hmm.

Gary Zane:

And when I picked up that computer it just started to go along and build other things. I got really good at computers, got out of corporate by demand. I was working down in South Texas, came back home in 05 and tried to find a job because I needed a paycheck and people either wanted to pay me $10 an hour or said that I was overqualified. So I just got too busy working on other people's computers to go look for a job. And it's been like that for 20 years.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Self-employed solopreneur.

Gary Zane:

I love it. Wow, you never know how the Self-employed Solopreneur.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

I love it. Wow, you never know how the Lord's going to send someone into your life like a computer guy or a plumber. He has people everywhere that he is just using to get to people.

Gary Zane:

I heard the great term is that we are to infiltrate, we sneak in. He sneaks us in unknowing. I mean if someone opened the door and says, okay, I'm here to preach the gospel, you know 90% of the people would just run out the back door. So he sneaks you in. You go hey, how you doing. Aha, the hook.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Well, because he's a real God and we're real people and he uses real people, real stories, right, instead of just slapping them in the face with this is the gospel.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

You know, I think it's interesting how many times I've had people come over to the house and minister to me, or even here in the clinic. New patients come in, and many times they're here because, well, there's a pain or something's wrong, when in fact they've got a beautiful message. So he sneaks them in here too. Gary, they're everywhere, they're spies, right. But it's a beautiful thing because it's the last people that you may think would have a beautiful message or plant hope in your pocket. You let them get close and all of a sudden, there it is and you're like, well, how did that guy turn my day?

Gary Zane:


Dr DeWayne Baugus:

You know it's a beautiful thing and I think we all have a role to play somewhere, absolutely. And finding your role, I think, isit seems like the hardest part, but it's also the blessed part. Some people search for their identity, they search for who they're supposed to be and they force it. And many of us find that the Lord has been choreographing and planning the whole time. You're 20 years and 20 years and you know all those years that he was putting layers of your understanding together with you, thinking you're doing your own thing and he's going yeah, I'm filling you up.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

I got this layer of business and this layer of corporate distaste and understanding and we got all these kind of different layers. And I think that's probably one of the things that really shines in you the most. When I get to interact with you at the networking group, but seeing you interact with others, there's always a message and you're right, you're not the computer guy, you're Gary. Right, and you're real. And there's no facade, there's no sales pitch. Right, and you're real. And there's no facade, there's no sales pitch yeah.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

It's just, this is how you're going to get blessed, and I'm going to give it to you today.

Gary Zane:

I don't really care, yeah.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

So you're in a corner and I'm not letting you go anywhere until how's your computer, How's God? Bless you today.

Gary Zane:

Let's get into it.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Yeah, you know there, but it's fun to see you interact. And you're right, there's some people who are trying but they're not quite there with the message. But they're waiting for a message. They want to receive something.

Gary Zane:

They really do People. We are a needy lot, we humans. Yes, oh man, and you know a lot of people get born again and they think all their needs are met and everything is just. We came to Jesus with needs and we are still a needy bunch of Jesus freaks. I have needs and until you admit that, you're still going to stay a mess.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

It's a daily thing isn't it, it is, yeah, I know. For me personally, it's a daily thing. It's like I wake up and I have to give thanks and I focus everything, hoping and praying. Lord, be with me. Lord, guide me, guide my mind, guide my mouth, my words. God, I'm a mess. Can you just go ahead and fix it all and make it better? And that's just not going to happen. And it doesn't. Justthings are just magically given to you. I think the world is made to tear us away from the Father. It's made to distract us, get us caught in emotions, get us flustered with a computer not working, get us flustered with a system. Whatever the case is, For me it's when people's body doesn't work right. They're frustrated.

Gary Zane:

God hates me Like? Absolutely not.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Remember every breath is a gift and it's going to get better. It will get better. I try to encourage them while I'm sticking them with needles. It doesn't always come across like a great message, but they can't go anywhere after I stick them, so I just minister to them then too.

Gary Zane:


Dr DeWayne Baugus:

But you get to go into people's homes. Yes, it's a personal thing.

Gary Zane:

Yes, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, perfectly put. It's a choreography that you or I could not possibly plan it. Yes, he puts us in exactly the right place at exactly the right time, with exactly the right people, with exactly the right message, and they go. How did you know that? I love hearing that.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Oh my gosh, Gary, thank you so much for saying that I go what? Yeah, I needed to hear that today.

Gary Zane:


Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Or here's the third one today to say or yeah, yeah, it's wonderful to see, because we're witnesses too, we're going we're encouraged yeah. We're growing with each interaction that we have and I find that I get a problem, gary, I stumble and I try to add my own story. I try to give a little bit more than Embellishment.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Yeah, Well, you know what else I know. You know the ego takes, but when it comes down to it, I'm learning to say less and listen more, because people do talk and I get a little bit of the personal life. I get a lot. Sometimes I get more than what I want to know. As far as a patient coming in, they'll, they'll, they'll overshare or they think it's it's something I need to know, and many times it's not really oversharing, it's they're opening their heart up and and letting me see who they are.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

But you're walking into their book. When you're walking there, like you said mentioned earlier, there's pictures, there's bookshelves, there's their design of what they see in their life as being what they want, what they're comfortable with, and when you step into that, they're very vulnerable. I mean, this day and age, you don't just let crazy. You know all kinds of people walk in, right? You're trying to filter. You're trying to say, well, I'm just not going to let anybody in. So there's the Holy Spirit in with that key, that ticket for Gary to walk into someone's private dwelling, their sanctuary, and do you have to ever force a situation or a conversation? Or do those conversations just open up when people start to, when you're working. I imagine Gary up underneath a desk and wires everywhere, and I don't know You're going to get to work on our services here soon, but I try to imagine, like you know, what's Gary look like. You see his two feet out from underneath the desk and someone's talking, you know, and you're underneath responding. What is that?

Gary Zane:

Dwayne, I have also learned I can try to push the conversation to bring things out of people and a lot of times I never get a chance to say anything and they are still upset people and I just take their money and that's okay. You know, I'll bet you Jesus didn't perform a miracle every single day. The, the 12 so-called apostles, the first guys, philip, disappeared after a while. You never knew what happened, but that area what I've heard exploded with the church and you never hear anything about three-fourths of those guys. You don't have to. God will use you at the right time and sometimes I do get bored. Oh, you know, I must be done. I'm not ever talking to anyone and then all of a sudden, you know, someone will give me a hug and say, man, you just really made my day. And I go really, what did I do? You know I said that, well, I'll be. You know, I guess God is still using me, right, you never can tell.

Gary Zane:

Just, we would talk to a minute ago, before we started, about the sacrifice, abraham putting Isaac on that, and God needed to know that he was willing. Isaiah 119, if you are willing and obedient you will eat the good of the land, but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword. He didn't say I'll kill you. It'll happen naturally, or else it can happen supernaturally. It's up to us. And I have to put myself on that altar daily because I don't want to. I'd just as soon be holed up in my little condo in my sweats, watching TV all day, every day. And I tried that. March 1st 2020, locked down, I said, oh man, this is great, I'm kicking up. I got lots of time. I can't go out. Therefore, I don't. And after a week, I'm going. I'm bored. I need to see some human beings, because he needs to go see people, and you're the vehicle. You get hungry for it. Exactly, yeah.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Well, yeah, perfectly yeah.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Yeah, we get hungry for that. I know it happens exactly the same here when I come in. I haven't slept very well, I feel like I'm off, you know, and talking to the Lord the whole day, going, please strengthen me. And my wife turns on the computer and it doesn't do what it's supposed to and I hear everything because it's quiet when I'm getting the clinic set up and the first thing in the morning and I hear, and I hear huffing and puffing and then there's a cabinet door that is a little bit louder than it usually would be when it's getting shut and I'm thinking this is going to be a day, this is going to be one of those days. How can we turn this day around? How do I get out of the way and let the Lord— how do I get the old man to stop feeling like he's doing something and just relax, because I know the Lord's got it? As soon as a patient comes in and they start to minister to me and I'm going, all right, that's prayers answered and they're full of blessings and they're supportive and they're encouraging the patients when they come in.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Usually it's a day of. If it's one of those days to where, man, I'm feeling good, like I'm energized, let's help people, let's get them turned around right. The worst patients ever come in the door. I mean, they're dragging a leg. They've got massive migraines for days, you know, and I'm like, yeah, it's an uphill battle, but the days when it's flip-flopped, he encourages, he supports, he sends support. And I wonder about those apostles. You know how many of them just walked by and planted the seed. They didn't dig into a deep conversation. In fact, there was probably more words spoken without a mouth being opened. Just by how they looked, how the Lord'show, the Holy Spirit, shines on you. I wonder how much of an impact that has on people, because we don't know. We don't know that perspective. Well, have you ever faced a conflict with a customer? Have you ever been challenged?

Gary Zane:

Oh, no, never.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

What happens when that challenge does happen? How do you respond? Are you humble or what do you do?

Gary Zane:

That's a day-by-day struggle, isn't it? Yeah, you know, I'm just thinking. We've been talking about some things and a lot of new believers think, oh, the old man is dead. Now I don't have to worry about the flesh anymore and I'm a brand new creation. I'll never have to deal with sin and those old. No, we still have the same soul, mind, emotions. We still have those same challenges and some days, dwayne, I blow it royally and it's like I'll walk out going. You're supposed to almost in tears myself seeing what he has done through me, because I was an open and committed vessel.

Gary Zane:

It is a daily, weekly, hourly, sometimes momentarily struggle that I often have to deal with. I'm the guy that gets behind someone and honks and I'm the guy that gets impatient at lines in Walmart. Nevertheless, a lot of times when I am with a client and working with something, I hear very strangely oh my gosh, gary, you are so patient and I'm going. Are you talking to me? I am not patient at all. I am the most impatient people that I know. But when I'm in front of that situation, I mean I can't just get up and say, oh, I'm tired of this, I can't do it, I don't want to anymore. See you later. Later That'll be $80. No, it's like there has to be a fix for this and there are still times that I don't fix it. I do not know everything about computers. I say software and networking, but God knows everything and the times. There have been a lot of times that it was like hit control panel, hit hardware.

Gary Zane:

Now hit that and they go. It fixed it and they go. How did you do that? I go. I don't know. But it's often an opportunity to say the Holy Spirit inside of me knows computers. All I have to do is listen. They go what, what do you mean? So I get an opportunity. That's amazing.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Because that's how it works Often, not always. Often yeah, that's like me, works Often, not always. Often. Yeah, that's like me ever boasting that I know everything about the body. I mean, I got a needle for it but it doesn't mean it's going to fix it. So I've got a strategy, but it may not work, and being able to just be truthful in that regard says wonders, doesn't it? Like you're admitting, I can't do it all, so I have to rely on the Lord. I think that that speaks volumes.

Gary Zane:

Way too often I walk in after someone has been fed up with some quote-unquote IT person that talked down to them and told them what they had to do with their computers and their money. And oh no, I am a broken, humble person and all I have is suggestions. This is their computer, their money. I am their servant, their employee. When I walk in, they are the boss. I am not and I can make suggestions on what they might be able to do in the future. But I listen and find out what they want to do and they want me to do, and if they have any questions they can always ask me and most of the time when they understand that, I walk out successful.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

There it is. Now tell me, how does Gary unwind? You're not always on a computer. Oh well, all too often, as I know, you've got that beautiful car and you've already expressed how much time you spend with that, that baby, my computer on wheels, my ipad.

Gary Zane:

I have a 10 year old tesla model s that it still runs like it's brand new. I love that thing and it is a tech device and I know I like tech and so that really fits me very well To unwind, you know different things. A lot of times, just like I said, I can sit down in front of the TV and just have a good time vegging out just mindless stuff. I really don't read near as much as I have in years past because I am all too often reading technical stuff on the computer often reading technical stuff on the computer and all of a sudden I look up and it's lunchtime and I haven't got up for three hours and so I often need to just rest my eyes. A lot of times I do like to get in that car and go for a drive because it costs me almost nothing to drive that car and it goes really fast, really smoothly, very quietly and just going for drives. And Oklahoma in the summertime is really gorgeous. There are lots of little hills and the cattle out in pasture and I have a good time looking at things yards or miles away. Often I like to be around friends and, just again, just talking, listening to their stories and doing things, different things.

Gary Zane:

I really don't go to church a lot.

Gary Zane:

Actually, I've again become a Sunday Christian just because at the bridge, where I go to 121st Memorial, our Wednesday nights have become kind of a family night and, being an older single guy, I don't really feel like I fit in.

Gary Zane:

I don't really feel like I fit in and besides, it could take me a half an hour to get from my house at 11th and Garnett to 121st Memorial on 169 and not be a statistic. So I would just rather stay off the streets in busy times so doing different things, to relax. But I do that. I have learned that I went about 10 years without ever taking a vacation and the first time I did I went oh my gosh, that's what they mean by resting and also meditating. Hebrews chapters 3 and 4 on the rest and how invigorating it is. You know he was pretty smart in saying that we need a day off, whatever day that you choose. Often mine is a Saturday, sometimes a Sunday, but a day off is really invigorating and empowering and so I make sure that I do have some time off to build back up, recharge, energize and then get back to work.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

I think it's essential we have to do that. We have to disconnect.

Gary Zane:

Oh, you really know that, don't you?

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Yeah, I do. That's what people come here for.

Gary Zane:

Yeah, because they haven't.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Yeah, they either don't know how to disconnect or they can't relax. And in today's world we have a lot of individuals who are emotionally charged with lots of worry, lots of anxiety, fear, depression, all those things, and they're working. And many times they're working to disassociate, they're getting away from themselves and they're focusing on other things and when it comes time for them to rest, at the end of the day they can't because their emotions slap. They're there again. It's like, well, I spent all day trying to get away from me and that's why I go to work and I'm trying to make money, and now I can't rest at home.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

So we start to find this problem with insomnia, this overthinking, and then we start to see individuals that they become workaholics. Right, because every time I go home I'm waiting. So what I'll find is people today will come in and they're like I just turn it all off. That's usually what they'll say Literally turn it off. Could you just make it stop? Just turn it all off and like, yeah, happy to do so. That's easy, we can do that. But at the same time, you know, I'm interrogating them.

Gary Zane:

What are you running?

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

from what's what's on your mind? What's all the fear, what's the worry, when are your thoughts going? Because they can't get in the car and drive without self-hypnotizing and disconnecting.

Gary Zane:


Dr DeWayne Baugus:

You know a lot of people. They do a level of self-hypnosis when they get on the road. Did you know that we see it all the time. If you get on the road you're getting ready to go to work or you're going to your local restaurants. You always go to and you get there and you're like man, I don't even remember the first three lights. I know I drove through them when I left. That that's a self-hypnosis.

Gary Zane:

Oh, that's what I've been doing. You've been disconnecting.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

You're disconnecting and you're just like on autopilot.

Gary Zane:

Yeah, and you're just like on autopilot, unless someone gets in front of you and you've got to honk your horn.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

I know that takes a little energy, but it brings you back to a grounded reality. The idea is, how do we stay present and aware and at peace with the Lord, with the Holy Spirit that's there giving us that? Because we can't get it any other way, we try to fake it right we coffee, we sugar, we all kinds of things and a lot of people don't know how to disconnect. They come in and that's where I get to do my work is turn their brain off.

Gary Zane:

And I think you're one of the few believers that understand we need to minister to the whole man spirit, soul and body. I've been reading a book called he Healed them All by Barry Bennett. On our Tuesday night men's Bible study with a bunch of godly men that are just an amazing bunch. I look forward to that every week and in that book we learned that the whole man needs to be right to keep us from getting sick and having malfunction. Now that's what you are here for and you are probably one of the few people in all three areas that you take care of all the whole man. Some people are just chiropractors, some people are just ministers and some people are acupuncturists, but you know spirit, soul and body and too many believers don't know to take care of that. We overeat, we eat wrong, we overwork, under sleep because we think we're supposed to stay busy for Jesus and he's saying shut up.

Gary Zane:

You know, he said it is finished.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

So he meant that why are you trying to do more? Why are we trying to add to? That's a delicate walk, isn't it?

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Because we have this feeling like we're supposed to be doing something more, and I think that that's the world we grew up in. Is you got to do something to get something that's ingrained in us, isn't it? So it has been a difficult one Thank you for noticing that, gary. To hit all those three areas and to get people to understand how important they are. And now you know, it's been over a decade and I'm getting to the wonder. I'm like Lord, is there a shortcut? Can I just stab them and they get it? You know, kind of like, can I shish kebab all three of those areas with one needle and be done where everything just falls? But it doesn't work that way. It takes a daily sacrifice, it takes a daily check-in. I love your Tuesdays. That's your refill plug, isn't it?

Gary Zane:

It's one of them.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Yeah, so it's where you're getting the word and you're you're getting supported and encouraged, and I know we all have to do that. Mine, mine's, thursday mornings Uh, I get to get to meet with that guy Thursday mornings, and a couple of others, and that's my charge, in fact. I look, I look forward to it every week. I don't look forward to the time it's too early. Gentlemen, if you're watching, change it.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

So, no, it's important to do that and I think a lot of patients come in and they start to look for that when they develop a relationship with me. We have patients that have been coming for years and I think that that's something that we all can grow in is being more attuned to finding out where someone is struggling, by listening and not directly hitting the nail on the head, but learning the wisdom to get encouragement to that area of need.

Gary Zane:

To that area, that area.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

It's difficult because I found with treating patients, whenever there's something that they're really that's eaten them and sometimes it eats them for years it's long-term anxiety or it's long-term trauma, or it's the inability to let go and forgive that translates as large intestine issues, that's digestive issues. In other words, all these have repercussions, all the emotional components, and if you point out what someone's weakness is, they put a wall up immediately. You can't do that.

Gary Zane:

So, it's.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

The Lord can, but we can't, yeah, so finding a way of encouraging without shutting down, I think, is it's got to be something that comes with wisdom. I don't know or I don't know, but I know that that's a tricky area when you're working with customers that are unsettled or aggravated. Their livelihood is in your hands with their computers. Go ahead.

Gary Zane:

And we were talking about praying earlier, asking Father for things, and Ephesians 1.6 says that we have already been blessed with every possible physical and spiritual blessing. Now, if you really think about it, years ago I heard this guy named Andrew Farley come to our church and said you know anymore? My prayer is wow and thank you. Because I start to ask for something and I go oh, yeah, you already promised that and yeah, you have already given that. Wow, Thank you. And so a lot of times my prayer time is praise and thanksgiving and worship, because it's if I start to ask for, for something, then I'm really denying that. He has already said you've got it. Take it. The word receive means to provided, and I feel like it's an insult to slap in my dad's face to say would you heal me please, Like Jesus wasn't enough to take care of that. No, I am healed, I have been healed and so, consequently, it's kind of worked. A lot of people think that I'm 50-something when I'm 73.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Yeah, you don't look the 73 part.

Gary Zane:

Well, a lot of that is Mediterranean too, but I attribute it to the living God inside of me, Absolutely.

Gary Zane:

Yeah, that's where it is inside of me, absolutely yeah, that's where it is. Yeah, yeah, so, and I can keep up with my Senator, dave Rader. Yesterday we went walking for four hours. I put in five miles and almost 100 degrees and I kept up with him and I'm able to take care of things when I need to. And it is certainly the grace of God and that is what I've been doing when I see people try different businesses in a lot of our networking groups that we go to and, oh my gosh, by the grace of God, for 20 years I have made a living just playing with other people's computers and it's like this is nuts. You know they call me and want to pay me for playing around on windows and looking on the internet and it works and that's finding that place.

Gary Zane:

Years ago, decades ago, I read this book called Up your Parachute. I think it was how to Find a Job, and one of the very first things that I think Zig Ziglar used to iterate is find something you love and do it. And if you don't love what you're doing, then can I put this abruptly get the hell out and let someone in there that wants to do it. And you know, often I come up on people that are very unhappy with their jobs, and sometimes I can hint to them. Maybe they should leave If they're not happy. Hint to them, maybe they should leave If they're not happy. You know, they're not forced to being there.

Gary Zane:

United States of America, you can do just about anything that you really want to if you set your heart to it, and we have no excuses around here. You and I have done our little part to ensure our freedoms. Thank you, dwayne. Oh yeah, thank you, and no, there is no excuse, and I have been very fortunate, but I still love what I do and I think about retiring and again, I get tired of not being around people. Yeah, and so I'm just going to keep doing what I do and then take a vacation once in a while. I don't think retirement's an option.

Gary Zane:

I don't think that's in Father's vocabulary.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

I don't think so. I don't think that there's a—I think that's a human, fleshly idea, but I don't believe it's a spiritual one, because we're eternal. And I see more patients get sick and withdraw and lose their life because they retired.

Gary Zane:

They made it, they quit.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

And they quit and they stopped that human interaction which we all need, and they start to fade. I really appreciate what you said earlier the healing. That's something that I get a lot of conversations about in here. But that's something that I get a lot of conversations about in here, you know, with patients that come in with cancer.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

They've got organ systems, neurological, you know, and it's a big one Because you know, as mentioned in the very beginning, there's some people maybe it was before we got in front of the camera there's some people that like to play church, they like to play Christian, but they have no relationship with the Lord Seek first the kingdom right. Seek first, so seek the Lord, and all seek Him, and what we see is there's the seek Him crowd and then there's the seeking byproducts of Christianity. Well, I'm seeking a healing, yeah.

Gary Zane:

I'm seeking this.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

I'm looking for the prosperity. You need to look for the Lord. When you find Him, you know He'll lead your path. But the wants of the crowd, what is it? All those followers that follow Christ, you know? Then he dropped the bomb on them. If you want to follow, you know, pick up your cross, follow me. Told them what they needed to do and all of them were like yeah, we're out, circus is over, no more miracles, whatever. We're leaving because we don't want to commit to being a Christian. They left. There was thousands, multitudes, right.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

And they just they went away because he told them this is what it takes. But they were there for the show, they were there for the miracle. They didn't really commit and I see that with business owners that have the Holy Spirit guiding them, there's a plan for them. We mess up here and there, but he's already. That's part of the equation. He knows what we're going to do. He knows Gary's going to walk out and kick somebody's mailbox Hopefully you don't. It's just because I'll work on your toe if it happens but you get frustrated and that's I think he knows all these things. But there's another group of business owners that we're surrounded by, like you said, the networking groups. There's those who are out there to see what they can get from our community instead of seeing what the community needs them to give. I'm not going to go into Kennedy's speech.

Gary Zane:

Oh, exactly, I knew I could see it in your eyes.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

But what can I do and what do I like to do, if I was to let every patient oh gosh, we're putting Kenneth's gonna publish this. This is gonna go out to the masses. But, like you said, you get to play on computers. I get to play darts all day.

Gary Zane:

It's fun, but it's helping people.

Gary Zane:

Yeah, it's ministering to people at the same time so you know, in a way it's also kind of unfair. This is an unnatural let's say supernatural life, especially, if I could be bold enough to say, for an American male, because we are steeped in a cultural society says you work to get. If you don't work, you don't eat. And yes, that is a scripture. But I mean, our dads were always saying you got to get out there and earn it. And Saving Private Ryan, one of his last lines is saying earn this. And Jesus says, no, you can't earn it.

Gary Zane:

And it definitely is a fight to live in this world. And, yes, live in this world. And yes, we need to earn a living because you, you do get respect by presenting yourself as doing the right thing. And at the same time, at five o'clock, if you want to call it that you, you turn into a self-sacrifice. And then, eight o'clock in the morning, you got to turn it back on and start working. And yes, it is supernatural but it is possible. You can work hard and be a believer. You can worship Jesus and sacrifice and still serve that nasty boss by being obedient and committed. It is a struggle at times but it's doable, obviously.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

It is. I think we see people doing it all the time. I can't imagine. I've got uncles and family members that they worked at the same plant for 35, 40 years, you know. They got up every day, terrible conditions and they just did the same repetitious thing and I think, goodness, that had to be a nightmare. But they love that, that repetition. But they also enjoy the payoff. They enjoy the family time, they enjoy the vacations, they enjoy the benefits of being a good worker, a good servant. I don't know that everybody enjoys that. What they do every day and I think you can tell the genuine part of people falls off when they get tired, you know, or the genuine the facade falls off and people start to reveal who they really are.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

But, Gary, what do you do when you feel like you're under attack spiritually?

Gary Zane:

Oh, I have to pray Again. The self-sacrifice is hard sometimes, but again, by refocusing, by spending time in the presence of God, I know the difference when I hit that, spent quality time with my father. It comes out, gary comes out, and it is often not real pretty, but you know it's never too late. I can say the wrong thing and I can humble myself immediately and say I'm sorry, that was uncalled for, that wasn't the right thing. Please forgive me. It's okay. Brokenness is a lot better than defending yourself and I can get my way out of it. But it's a lot nicer to see when, having spent time in the presence of God, that he has something ready for those challenges. He already knows what I'm going to face and he's kind of sneaky. A lot of times he won't tell me ahead of time, by the way, this is going to happen. Be ready. No, he doesn't do it. It's not fair. I really wish he would it doesn't work that way.

Gary Zane:

No, it doesn't does it. And you know, sometimes I do. You know whether we talked about it or not. I felt like I knew. You know what we're going to talk and there are times like that when I have the right answer. And who was it? Either Jesus or Paul said you don't have to pre-prepare, he will give you what to say. At that same hour, I think Jesus said when you go to court and are tried and before the judge that could have your head cut off, don't worry about it. You'll have the right thing to say, whether or not you die Right.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Yeah, that's the part people forget. Well, I'll have the right thing to say, so I get out of it. No maybe not, maybe not. It may not work out that way. It's been a great, great conversation with you, thanks for inviting me.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

I appreciate you sharing so much and understanding so much with the people you interact with. It's great having you in the networking group, but it's just great knowing you. Thank you, dewey, but I'd like to let the viewers, the listeners on podcasts, know how do they find you, gary? What's the best way to look you?

Gary Zane:

up. You know I really don't advertise much. I do have an ad on Craigslist. I took my website down because I was getting calls from California. I don't have the Facebook, my Computer Guy page anymore because I was getting nothing but trash. I could say can I get my phone?

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

number Absolutely 918-381-6608.

Gary Zane:

I am a native Tulsa yes, one of the few left that was born and raised here. I know my way around. I always go to my clients, even if they have just an iPad, I will always go to them. That is a plus that I find that you don't have to pack up a computer and bring it to me. But maybe not the email, but Phone number's good, if that's all we want Phone number's good, If you got that 918-381-6608.

Gary Zane:

Like I said, I've been doing this 40 years. I have been self-employed, a solopreneur, right here in Tulsa for 20 years. By the grace of God, I love what I'm doing and I could probably also say I only charge $80 an hour. I don't charge for travel time unless it's outside of the Tulsa area, very far out. Everything's within 30 minutes.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

It's quick here, just about yeah, is there anything you don't work on as far as computers?

Gary Zane:

Well, yeah, macs, I really don't do many Macs. I don't care for the Mac operating system just because Windows is business class. And even though I take care of individuals, the bulk of my clientele are little old ladies that are afraid of their computers. They love me, make cookies for me. I am not kidding. They hug my neck because I treat them like human beings and not like underlings. People aren't supposed to know about computers. That's why they call me. I just meet needs and make it easy for them. But business, small business is my real forte. I understand small business owners, I take care of folks, but if anything else, if you got a question, call me. I can answer a lot of things over the phone which I do not charge for, but I don't remote in. I am built to be in front of people and be happy to take care of needs Wonderful.

Gary Zane:

Well thank you again. Thank you, Dwayne.

Dr DeWayne Baugus:

Yeah, if anybody has any questions about Gary, if you need to get in touch with him if the number you didn't catch it, you can always leave us a question in the comments. I'll get in touch with him. I'll put you in touch with him. We'll link you guys up. We'll get Gary in front of you. If it's a computer need, he's got an answer for you. So I hope you've enjoyed us and I look forward to the next show. Take care everybody.

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